30.6.2011 14:29
Generační výpověď náctiletých ve filmech z pěti posledních dekád byla tématem letošního filmového „festivalu“. |
Projekci amerických (s výjimkou jednoho australského) filmů v původním znění s českými titulky následovala diskuse studentů ve skupinách a prezentace jejich názorů. Drželi se statečně a bravurně zvládli vyjádření svých postřehů a hodnocení v angličtině. Následně bylo jejich úkolem napsat esej a obhájit její kvality před publikem. Nejlepším filmem týdne byl jednoznačně zvolen film The Breakfast Club z roku 1985, který obdržel v průměrném hodnocení 4.7 hvězdiček z pěti. Tímto vám ho doporučujeme pro deštivý prázdninový den. 
Zde jsou názvy jednotlivých filmů a podoba našich „záludných dotazů“.
Rebel Without a Cause (1955) starring James Dean
Your evaluation:
1. What do all the three main characters have in common?
2. The movie highlights the topic of generation gap – can you comment on it?
3. Which key concepts (ideas) does the movie deal with?
4. Despite Platon´s death the movie has got a kind of happy ending, why?
5. How do you understand the movie title?
6. Choose one of the three teenagers and try to write his/her psychological profile. (+cca 150 words)
The Graduate (1967) starring Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft, Katharine Ross
Your evaluation:
1. The movie is usually defined as a comedy-drama. Can you explain the comic and dramatic features in it?
2. “The theme of an innocent and confused youth who is exploited, mis-directed, seduced (literally and figuratively) and betrayed by a corrupt, decadent, and discredited older generation” (movie review). Do you agree with this interpretation?
3. How do you see the character of Mrs Robinson? Is she just an inconsiderate seducer?
Read the lyrics of the song by Simon and Garfunkel, how do you understand it?
4. Benjamin develops from a completely passive character saying just Yes, Sir; No, Madam into an action hero – try to comment this twist of his behaviour.
5. Writing task: What will life of Benjamin and Elaine look like in twenty years? Will they act like the generation of their parents? (150 words)
The Breakfast Club (1985) starring Emilio Estevez
Your evaluation:
1. What is your answer to the question: Are the teenagers cruel to each other or just sincere? What is true and what is pretended?
2. Can you make up suitable nicknames for each of the five teenagers? (you can do this task in Czech)
3. Why do the kids finally call themselves the club? What does it imply?
4. One of the movie reviews ( says there´s too much in a few scenes, a mixture of crazy marihuana party thrills and serious teenage discussions a few moments later, which makes the story hard to believe.
5. Is a Saturday detention a good idea? What would you do if you were Mr Vernon?
6. Write your own essay for Mr Vernon (150words or more)
Saturday Night Fever (1977) starring John Travolta
Your evaluation:
1. Does the movie still have any message for your generation?
2. The fame of the movie has survived the decades thanks to the disco music of Bee Gees and dancing – do they appeal to you? If yes, in which respect?
3. To have a car means ... – comment this symbol.
4. In the background of the story two different social worlds emerge – Brooklyn and Manhattan – compare them. Which characters of the movie are they represented by?
5. What does the typical Saturday night of a 19 year old young man look like today? What are the similarities and differences? (describe and compare in 150 words)
The Rage in Placid Lake (2003) starring Ben Lee and Rose Byrne
Your evaluation:
1. Characterize the relationship of Placid and his parents. They seem to be always nice, so what´s wrong? (Remember the scene in which Placid calls his father names, why does he do it? What does Placid expect his father to do?)
2. Let´s focus on the topic of school bullying – what provokes his mates to choose Placid? What is unusual about Placid´s reaction?
3. Both Placid and Gemma are teenage prodigies, but their brilliance gets them into more trouble than success, why?
4. Conformity is safety – that´s what Placid tries to believe in, how do you see it?
5. Write a film review (150 – 200 words)
M. Krumphanzlová, L. Douša