Za školou s anglickým lektorem
26.6.2014 13:54
ENGLISH CONVERSATION WEEK - za školou s anglickým lektorem
V rámci Týdne za školou na našem gymnáziu proběhl již druhý ročník kurzu English Conversation Week. Anglický lektor Guy Cheetham strávil 24 vyučovacích hodin se skupinou našich patnácti studentů, aby je pomocí inovativních metod plných her, aktivit, scének a dialogů přesvědčil, že i oni mohou bez zábran a strachu z gramatických chyb přirozeně mluvit anglicky. A jaké to bylo? Studenti sami kurz hodnotili takto, samozřejmě v angličtině :-)

„A year has come around and I found myself sitting in a class with Guy again and I must say that he never ceases to amuse.“ (Tomáš Kořistka)
„This week was exactly what I expected it to be – just great. I´ve learned a lot and I practised English... it was a good choice to take part in this project once again! Thanks!“ (Vlastislav Ryšavý)

„I guess it was the best decision I made this year. I didn´t make many decisions this year... But I enjoyed this most, compared to other events.“ (Cya)
„I think that this was a really good experience, I loved all the activities we did and everyone was involved which is really important, too.“ (Veronika Kučerová)

„I think it was great. It was fun and I learned some new things. Our teacher was great and I could understand almost everything what he said.“ (Nela Nešetřilová)
„So I think that it was really good. I tried to speak English and I think I am better now. This guy is really funny and likeable. I am happy that I could be there.“ (Simona Coubalová)