Za školou s anglickým lektorem
27.6.2013 13:41
V rámci Týdne za školou na našem gymnáziu proběhl kurz English Conversation Week. Anglický lektor Guy Cheetham, který strávil celých 30 vyučovacích hodin se skupinou našich devíti studentů, před kurzem sliboval vzrušující a obohacující inovativní metody, hry, aktivity a dialogy, které dodávají studentovi sebevědomí mluvit beze strachu z dělání gramatických chyb. A jaké to bylo? Studenti se ocitli v rolích televizních hlasatelů, novinářů, kandidátů na post premiéra, vypravěčů skutečných i smyšlených příběhů, diskutovali o závažných tématech i o naprostých banalitách každodenního života – vše jen a jen anglicky v režii sympatického Guye Cheethama.

Jeho vstřícnost, humor, nasazení a profesionalita zajistila studentům bezvadný závěr školního roku. Zde je hodnocení našich absolventů kurzu… jak jinak než v angličtině:
“All the five days were really funny. It doesn’t happen to me every day that I can speak to an Englishman but here I spoke to a really likable Englishman who created super atmosphere during our course. It should be repeated. Fantastic, brilliant, awesome, and great! Thank you Guy!” Tereza Doležalová

“The most useful thing was that we could speak to a native speaker who didn’t understand our language and we couldn’t ask how to say something. Guy can create a very nice atmosphere and his experiences are so interesting. I have learnt a lot of new words which I’m able to use now. This course was such a good experience.” Tereza Frýbortová

“I really like the vision – to make us speak. I don’t like the lessons at school where we have to write all the time. I really enjoyed this week. It was fun and inspiration for me to learn foreign languages more and be better in English.” Kristýna Hegerová

“This course has absolutely blown my mind. It was amazing. I had so much fun and enjoyed it a lot. Opportunities such as this, to be able to talk to someone who basically lives in the UK, are just stunning.” Tomáš Kořistka

“I think that speaking and listening to English is very useful, especially when you already know some and when it’s entertaining and Guy makes it very entertaining.” Adam Křenovský
“I couldn’t really understand at the beginning. Later, I got used to Guy’s accent and it was great. The best activity for me was doing The News. It was based on fantasy, it was funny and I adored it. What’s more, I could try speaking as fluently as I could and people were watching me, which is good for my future life and job maybe.” Jana Lipská

“Guy told us a story and we had to tell him our opinions, which was the same like in the real life. I spoke to a real Englishman for a long time, so I had a perfect chance to improve my pronunciation.” Jan Přívora

“I appreciate Guy’s patience and his sense of humour. I can see I’ve learned a lot of vocabulary which I didn’t know before. I’ve found out that my English isn’t as good as I thought but I don’t regret coming here. The activities which we were doing during the whole week were really good and funny.” Vlastislav Ryšavý

“I’m glad I was at the course. Guy was amazing, patient, nice, and funny. Also, the atmosphere was great. I think I can say we were a pretty good group. I really enjoyed the course. It was a great way to end a school year.” Karolína Vaníčková.