ENGLISH CONVERSATION WEEK - za školou s anglickým lektorem
26.6.2015 10:37
V rámci Týdne za školou na našem gymnáziu proběhl již třetí ročník kurzu English Conversation Week. Anglický lektor Guy Cheetham strávil 20 vyučovacích hodin se skupinou našich patnácti studentů, aby je pomocí inovativních metod plných her, aktivit, scének a dialogů přesvědčil, že i oni mohou bez zábran a strachu z gramatických chyb přirozeně mluvit anglicky. A jaké to bylo? Studenti sami kurz hodnotili takto, samozřejmě v angličtině :-)

„I really enjoyed this week because it was really useful for me. Now I can say: My English is not so bad. I think it wasn´t a waste of time.” (Tereza K.)
„This course was really great! I have never been on English course with a native English speaker. First lesson I didn´t understand very well … but now I understand almost everything. Every topic was perfect and I enjoyed every activity. I have never thought I can describe Avatar in English. Now I am more confident in English.” (Kristýna Š.)

„It was great experience and I think every lesson with Guy was funny, very instructive and inspiring. Guy isn´t only a good teacher but he plays table tennis very well too!” (Míla V.)

„It was cool! I could hear a real native English speaker and talked to him. The topics were interesting and the discussions forced us to talk. (Petr N.)
„… we really talked and not just wrote something on the paper, we really used the new words.” (Anděla N.)
„It was really amazing and I enjoyed it because I like people who are communicative and can speak about almost everything. I like Guy´s humour and his funny stories.” (Adéla S.)
„I was on this course last year. And this year I was there again. What does it mean? That I really like it! Harry is a kind, intelligent and funny guy with great English.” (Nela N.)